Nuture. Value. Inspire. Fun. Grow.

Parents & Guardians
At Rainbows Nursery, we believe that our relationships with parents and guardians is just as important as the relationships we have with our Rainbows children. The importance and impact of shared aims and mutual support cannot be underestimated, this is why we actively encourage parent involvement. Two-way communication is key and we want parents and guardians to feel comfortable speaking with us.
We have tried to consider any questions you might have as parents and guardians, but if something isn't mentioned here, or isn't in our Parents Information pack please don't hesitate to get in touch.
What do children need to wear?
We do lots of messy activities at nursery for fun and to learn! It is really important for your child to enjoy and participate in them if they want to, without fear of getting messy. Therefore, we ask you to send them in old clothes that are easy to take on and off, easy to pull up sleeves and elasticated trousers. Shoes without laces are much easier for the children to put on and help with gaining independence.
What do children need to bring?
Each child has their own designated peg in the cloakroom to hang their coat on. Please also bring a named bag with a complete change of clothes. If your child wears nappies we will ask you to also pack nappies, wipes, cream and nappy sacks in their bag. We would be very grateful if you can discourage your child from bringing in toys, they only sit on the side and could get lost or broken. We have found that this discourages your child from learning through play with all the activities we have at nursery. We are now selling Rainbows Book Bags so that your child can easily transport all art work, letters and information home.
We have, on occasion had children at Nursery with food allergies, if this is the case you will be notified by letter or text and kindly asked to avoid sending your child in with foods containing certain ingredients. Rainbows is a nut free zone at all times. We have ‘snack-time' mid-morning. Children all sit together at the table and are given the opportunity to choose from a range of healthy snacks, they are given milk or water to drink. Children have access to water to drink throughout the session.
Illness / Accidents at Home
If your child is ill we ask that you notify us in advance if possible. Sickness and diarrhoea is very common, we ask that you do not send your child into Nursery until 48 hours after the last bout. This prevents the spread to other children and staff. If your child has a rash we would ask that they are not sent to nursery until it has been diagnosed by a doctor or disappears. Coughs and colds are also common and a child may be able to come with a cold but we ask that if they feel tired or ill they do not come. We need to be made aware if your child has any medicine prior to Rainbows – especially Calpol or similar. If your child requires medication at Rainbows we will ask you to fill in a medicine form explaining the reason, dosage etc. (we will not administer any Paracetamol suspension or ‘over the counter’ medicines unless they have been specifically prescribed by your child’s doctor) if your child becomes ill whilst at nursery we will inform you and ask you to come to collect your child. We will also send your child home with a letter if there is a possible risk of a spread of infection within nursery; we follow the Department of Health guidelines in exclusion for infectious or contagious illness and are always happy to advise you. Please look out for information sheets on the noticeboard in the foyer.
If your child sustains an injury at home please inform Nursery and complete an 'Accident at Home' Form.
Do we come in to drop the children off?
Please bring your child to the garden gate (which can be found on the KS1 playground) where they will be welcomed by Rainbows staff. We encourage them to independently put their lunch boxes on the trolley, say goodbye and put their belongings on their own peg. They can then come into the room and select an activity that is already laid out. If your child is happy to do this, great – if not, you are welcome to come into the garden until they are settled. If you do leave while your child is upset we will contact you if they do not settle. You are also welcome to phone to check if they are ok. At the end of the session please wait at the bottom of the slope by the bike shed where a member of staff will bring your child out to you. We will need to know if anyone different is collecting your child from Rainbows and we will ask you to fill in a slip when you drop your child off, giving permission, name and contact details of this person and inform them of your private password.
Complaints, requests and suggestions
We welcome your suggestions to improve our services at Rainbows nursery. Staff are always available to discuss any concerns or problems; we will do our best to resolve them. This will be recorded in order to ensure action is taken to your satisfaction. If the matter remains un-resolved, you as a parent are welcome to contact OFSTED if you are unhappy with any aspect of the nursery:
Ofsted Piccadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2WD Tel: 0300 123 1231
Anything else?
In order to claim your child’s free sessions we will need to see their birth certificate. We need this during the first week. You will need to fill out and sign a funding form for each term. We have to record the child’s full name and address, we will also ask for emergency contact details for all parents and carers who are responsible for the child attending nursery. If you need any more information please ask or call. If you need to contact us as a matter of urgency, please use these numbers: Rainbows 07514 008 123